Ready to sell your house? The thought of selling your house may sound a bit daunting which is understandable, but with a bit of work and an open mind, you can really increase the chances of a quick sale. The better condition your home is in the more buyers will be willing to pay top dollar for it. The use of a Realtor can also be beneficial since they know a network of people which could open the door to more potential buyers.
What you put in will ultimately be you get out. Keep your end goal in mind, do as much as you can, and before you know it, you will be hanging a sold sign in your yard. So, roll of you sleeves and let’s get your house ready for sale!
To best assist you, here are a few helpful tips you should do in preparation for listing your house. While some of these tips are surprisingly easy, others might require a bit more time and effort, but always remember, once buyers start oohing and ahhing over your place, it will make all the work you have done worth it.

Research the Local Market
This is the type of homework you will really want to do as you try and determine the value of your house in todays market. Start by researching the local housing market through Look at comparable sales in your neighborhood to figure out the appropriate listing price for your house. Pay attention to the square footage, features and location. Then, think about how they compare to your home. A reputable Realtor will be able to assist with finding comps and determining a listing price for your house.

Finding a Listing Agent
A perfect segue into why we highly recommend enlisting a professional real estate agent to list your home. When interviewing a listing agent, be sure to ask about their experience in your neighborhood, connections to potential buyers and social media expertise. The Realtor should be able to give you a thoroughly laid out plan for how they are going to sell your home. A Realtor’s job is to ensure the process of selling your house from start to finish is smooth and enjoyable allowing you to focus your time and energy on work and family. We are here for YOU!

Consider Curb Appeal
I am sure you have all head the saying, “Don’t judge a book it’s cover.” I will let you in on a little secret, most buyers do. The outside of your home is the first thing potential buyer’s see, so your goal should be to entice them to want to see more. Make your home inviting by planting some colourful flowers, touch up any missing paint spots, clean the windows, cut the lawn and make sure all pathways are clear of debris.

Declutter, Declutter, Declutter
Ok, so we impressed them with the curb appeal, well done! The next important step is decluttering and organizing your space and making your house as appealing as it can be to potential buyers. Think about when you bought your first home, when a home is clutter-free, buyers are able to focus on the actual home instead of the clutter, personal belongings and overflowing closets. This may be difficult, but you will need to do your best to disassociate yourself, this is no longer your “home”, it is now a house and an asset for sale. If you want to maximize your return, it is important that you’re willing and open to do whatever it takes, even if that means packing away favourite items. Here are a few staging tips.

Make Any Minor Renovations
No matter how small and insignificant the repair may seem, think back to when you purchased a house and the things you noticed when doing a walk through. Make sure anything and everything that needs to be fixed (think: locks, hardware, leaky faucets, running toilets, cracks in the walls, broken appliances, squeaky doors, etc) has been taken care of before listing a home. Remember, it’s all about first impressions!